Importance of Family History

One of the revelations I had while writing my book was how quickly the details of our ancestor’s lives fade from our collective memories. I began writing my book with a short history of my family including details about my Grandparents and Great Grandparents. On the Ingalls side I knew something of the life that my Grandparents lived, but when it came to Grandpa’s father Samuel (a cousin of Laura) I didn’t know much. I know he was a farmer in Wisconsin and have general information about him and his family, but the details of his life I didn’t know. I feel bad I didn’t take the time as a young adult to sit with my Grandparents and learn more. On my Mother’s side, my Grandfather was good about writing the details of his early years and some of the life of his father and grandfather. My takeaway is this, we are two generations from obscurity if we don’t make sure the generations to come talk about us and keep our memories alive. I am part of, and anyone that will read this is part of the fabric of American. We are the part of our society that executes all of the plans and does the difficult day to day work that keeps this country moving. We deserve and should be remembered! I would love to hear about your family.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. pat broberg

    Lee you are so impressive and full of love/respect and the importance of life/family.I am proud to be your cousin

  2. Brett

    I envy your knowledge of your extended family. I only mine for a couple of generations back, and really no idea about much beyond that.

  3. RLI97

    Thank you both so much!

  4. Betty Ingalls

    You have done such a nice job on everything related to the book you have written as well as the Blog. Congrats!

  5. RLI97

    Thank you Betty! Family is truly everything for all of us.

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