The Ingalls Family
This page is dedicated to the Ingalls side of our family. Gene Ingalls is my father but most the the relationships will be from my position in the family. Please check back for updates.

This photo is from the Ingalls side or our family and this is my Great Grandfather Samuel’s Grandparents Lansford Whiting and Laura Ingalls with some of their 11 children. Two of their children Hiram and Lansford James would enlist and fight in the Civil War. In the back row from the left is Lansford James (my ancestor), George, and Hiram. Seated from the left is Lydia, parents Laura and Lansford Whiting, and Ruby.

Two additional photos of the Ingalls family. On the far left is a four generation photo. From the left is my Great Great Grandfather and the Uncle of Laura Ingalls Wilder, Lansford James. Next to him is my Great Grandfather Samuel Laura’s cousin. Next is my Grandfather Monty and his oldest daughter Fran.
The other photo is the wedding photo of Monty and Marie Ingalls. Marie is seated and Monty is on the right. I am still researching the other two people in the photo.
Our Family 1963
This photo was taken at the Willow house.
Aunt Joyce
This is taken at Christmas in the Crystal House. Those are the french doors behind her that I mention in my book.
Barbara about 1956
My beautiful sister Barbara
Barbara and Marcus
This is Barbara with her oldest son Marcus.
The 3 older kids
Barbara, Brad and I (Lee) taken about 1957.
The 3 older kids
Taken about 1954. Barbara, Brad and Lee
Barbara and Lee
This was our confirmation celebration taken at the house on Thomas in North Minneapolis.
Barbara and Uncle John
This photo was taken about 1953 of Barbara and Uncle John.
Battle Lake
This was taken during one of our family vacations to Battle Lake, MN. Kurt and Candy are in the photo.
Brother Brad
Taken about 1956.
Kurt and Brad
This was taken about 1972 at one of the horse shows. Pecos is the horse with Kurt and Brad.
Sister Candy
Beautiful sister Candy oh and she is the baby of the family.
Candy and Ashley
The holidays with Candy and Ashley.
Another beautiful sister Cheri sitting with Mom at the county house in Wisconsin.
This is the iconic photo all of us think of when we think of sister Cheri as a child. Sitting in her rocking chair.
Cheri and Tyler
Beautiful sister Cheri with her son Tyler.
Grandparents and cousin
From the left Grandpa Ingalls, cousin Jerry and Grandma Ingalls
Dad (Gene)
This photo was taken about 1955.
Dad (Gene)
This photo was taken about 1961 and it looks like he is getting ready for one of his hunting trips. I remember this coat very well.
Dad and Barbara
A very young Dad and Barbara.
The 3 Friends
This is a photo of Dad on the left with his lifelong friends, Earl Brimms, and Jerry Hanson. They are standing in front of the movable trailer the 3 of them built for hunting.
Dad (Gene) and Uncle Eugene
Taken about 1935 this is Gene on the left and his twin Eugene.
Grandparents Ingalls Wedding
Taken in 1922 this is my Grandparents wedding photo. Grandma is seated and Grandpa is on the right.
Grandpa Ingalls and Dad
Taken about 1958 this is Grandpa Ingalls and Dad with Aunt Fran in the background.
Grandpa with 3 of his kids
Grandpa Ingalls with the twins, Gene on the left and Eugene on the right with Joyce in the middle.
The Ingalls 1954
Taken in 1954 this is the Holiday gathering of the Ingalls family.
Mom and Kurt
Mom taking Kurt swimming at the community pool at Camden Park in Minneapolis.
The 4 older kids
The 4 of us!
Saturday Night
This is what a typical Saturday night looked like at the Ingalls house. Parents playing cards at the table and kids everywhere.
The Confirmation Celebration
This is Lee and Barbara's confirmation celebration.
Mom and the Kids
This photo was taken in 1960. 10 years before this photo Mom and Dad didn't have any of these kids.
Kurt and Thunder
Kurt with Thunder, Kurt was the best at training and showing the horses.
Landford James
My Great Great Grandfather Lansford James. He fought in the Civil War
4 generation photo
Four generations of the Ingalls family
Lansford Ingalls
Lee Tapping
Taken in 1972 tapping away!
One of Margo's first photos. What a cutie!!
Grandpa and Grandma
Taken at Grandpa and Grandma Ingalls 50th wedding anniversary in 1972.
Margo taken in 1977
One of my beautiful sisters Margo at a shower of some type.
Mom and Dad 1950s
Taken when they were such a young couple. One of my favorites of them.
Mom and Dad about 1990.
This was taken during one of our weekend long family gatherings.
Mom signing the book Ingalls on the Prairie
Taken in 2020 during the pandemic, Mom is signing the book written about her.
Monty about 1961
This is Monty taken in the country house in Wisconsin.
Monty and Candy
In their teenage years.